Well, my company has a new banner up to help motivate the cogs for the '06. I was thinking we could start applying these same principles to the blog. No really, it could benefit us all. I mean, the marketing specialist that designed this banner is probably getting paid as much as my whole office, so it's got to be good stuff. Let's go over them together:
- Own & Ignite Authentic Development (Is that an image of a bomb? wuh? You want me to set fire to this building? Ok, I guess I could do that)
- Enhance a Culture of Service (This one is my favorite as it represents a subject from each race, gender, creed & has the token wheelchair guy....you can't be diverse without that guy)
- Elevate Quality Production (note the finger pushing the elevator button, that's just plain smart right there)
So we could all learn a lot from this banner. Let's innovate and execute while still kicking it up a notch, shall we? Good, good.