


My Polska, my people! My wonderful, humble, resilient Polish people. We've been bullied around Europe for more than 1,000 years. They wiped out nearly a fifth of us during WWII. But we're still here, still repping that white, red and eagle.

My people! Of sour complexion, largely due to a diet that'll guarantee you maybe 50sumyears of existence. My brethren, with squared jaws and cursed hair (so that's where it comes from!). My sistren -- tall, stoic, ample bosomed and frequently with a sexy little ponch. Blond and fair in the north, darker featured and 'more Slavic' in the south. My folk!

A humble people. We never had the grand aspirations of the Dutch or Spanish, comrades to the east, or demonic neighbors to the west. Muhfuckas was just trying to live! Till the land of 'em. Have a comfortable little life. But heads kept treading on us. The map grew and shrank, but mostly shrank. It even disappeared.

But we don't die, all we fucking do is multiply. Fam came back. Survived 40 years of stifling economic repression. Sewed the seeds of revolution. And now -- on a come up!

Anyway, shit's been major. Defining. A love affair. A hajj. I've seen a fair amount of this earth, but nothing has affected me quite like this. You all will lose me to this joint for a while at some point. Just have to sort out the details.

Kocham was, Polska!



This is my cat. Although he's had dozens of names throughout his life, the one that stuck most is Barney. Let it be known, I am not a cat person. I was merely forced to live with him because my sister abandoned his sorry ass. I guess he's cool and all, but I can't fully respect any creature that religiously sneaks outside, eats as much grass as he can before getting caught, then pukes it all up within 30 minutes of returning inside. Not only that, but he refuses to vomit on anything but carpet. God forbid he huck the unchewed grass up on the easy-to-clean tile. Above and beyond that, he's not such a bad roommate.


It's a celebration, bitches!

Off to go connect with the motherland -- Schmessers and Danasauce: don't break 'nothing while I'm gone!


The Corpse Pimper

Oh man. Dude is rarely even in my realm of consciousness anymore. I typically forget he even exists. But then he goes and does some stupid shit like this...and people care! And granted it's E! Online. But still.

I can't help but think this guy has a karmic debt big enough to sink Mother Theresa.

This post filed under "bitching about rappers" (that's a preemptive dick cookie for you haters).

Wait, that sounds too salty. What I meant to say was: I *heart* all off you Cake eaters!



Fock, Carlos. At least to my untrained ears, this shit sounds pretty mega. It's a nice compliment to oppressive heat, though current status feels more like Mumbai than San Juan.


Annals of economics

Damn summer malaise. You know it's a slow day when I'm posting crap like this. This just in: quantity demanded outstrips quantity supplied!

Mmmmmmmm. Beer phone.


Wilted flowers

I really dig the character Bill Murray has morphed into the past several years, especially the way Wes Anderson has used him in his last few films. So I went into Broken Flowers with high expectations. Unfortunately, I found it to be much more this than this.

I'm a big fan of movies with not a lot of plot and very few 'splosions, but this flick draaaaaaaaags entirely too much. It's my understanding that Jarmusch has used sparse dialogue to great effect in previous efforts (I'll admit I'm in arrears on his catalog), however, here it's just boring. There are some very funny parts, especially the frames with Sharon Stone, and the score is top notch. Overall, a very under-whelming experience though. You can safely wait for the DVD.


As long as they spell your name right

PR'em: your boy gets a shout out over on soul-sides.com and sales go through the roof! Big up to my man O-Dub for the love.

When I'm in the Boogie I'm imported



What would Jesus...

...look like encased in glass and put out on display...

...in our front yard?


Fucking creepy.


Punch'em in the Balls

Sometimes it's good to hate people. Not that it's nice or anything, but it helps you value those that you actually like. Without evil, one knows no good, right? Anyways, these cats produced a pretty decent list of people they wish to beat down. I think it's pretty representative of the overall public. I've had a punch in the balls list for a little while myself. Those people that if I crossed paths with, would get an immediate punch square in the cock. A friend of mine invented this list and it just plain makes sense to give someone that can get to you that badly a jab upon first sight. On my list are such mopes as: Patrick Swayze, Jared from Subway, every country music artist, Phil Collins & Whoopie Goldberg. Who's on your punch in the balls list?


"we'll kill these clowns and take over their business"

Man, I forgot what a tremendous film this is. It's been a few years, but the pic is still as stunning as the first time I saw it. As penance for my memory lapse, here you go.