My Polska, my people! My wonderful, humble, resilient Polish people. We've been bullied around Europe for more than 1,000 years. They wiped out nearly a fifth of us during WWII. But we're still here, still repping that white, red and eagle.
My people! Of sour complexion, largely due to a diet that'll guarantee you maybe 50sumyears of existence. My brethren, with squared jaws and cursed hair (so that's where it comes from!). My sistren -- tall, stoic, ample bosomed and frequently with a sexy little ponch. Blond and fair in the north, darker featured and 'more Slavic' in the south. My folk!
A humble people. We never had the grand aspirations of the Dutch or Spanish, comrades to the east, or demonic neighbors to the west. Muhfuckas was just trying to live! Till the land of 'em. Have a comfortable little life. But heads kept treading on us. The map grew and shrank, but mostly shrank. It even disappeared.
But we don't die, all we fucking do is multiply. Fam came back. Survived 40 years of stifling economic repression. Sewed the seeds of revolution. And now -- on a come up!
Anyway, shit's been major. Defining. A love affair. A hajj. I've seen a fair amount of this earth, but nothing has affected me quite like this. You all will lose me to this joint for a while at some point. Just have to sort out the details.
Kocham was, Polska!