
For the Star Wars nerds....

there's a sniper battle about to ensue on egay. I'd probably go bigger on this one than that infamous grilled cheese Madonna that was listed several months ago.

As a matter of fact, my girlfriend hit pay dirt while eating some honey roasted peanuts over the weekend. One particular "nut" perked her interests as it came undeniably in the shape of a penis. No kidding. I'll post photos of this little gem in the near future as I prepare it for the big auction on ebay. Say, let's make this interesting. Once I get a pic up of it, I'd like to hear some of your forecasts to what the final bid might be. The one closest to the actual ending bid, will win a handful of honey roasted peanuts in the shape of actual honey roasted peanuts. The very first Build Her a Cake or Something contest! exciting. details to come...

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